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MGame v4.0 Release

This version of MasterToolz is mainly major due to it providing a way for making a mutator replace the PlayerController with whatever you want in any map, allowing for easy custom gamerule mods to be created. There's no documentation on how to do so yet, but perhaps one day I'll be able to provide said documentation. Anyway, this version mainly focuses on fixing a ton of bugs v3.0 had, as well as adding some really helpful actions. Enjoy!


- Added a new mutator: MMutRPC (Master's Replace PlayerController Mutator). This mutator can be loaded into any map and will replace the current player's PlayerController with an entirely new one, something that was thought to be impossible previously (this means very easy custom gamerules and a lot of other things)

- All actions that required getting the current player's pawn have now all been redone to be much more efficient and reliable

- Re-coded MAntiCheat to work much better than before. The changelogs for that are as follows:

 - Re-did the core framework of the code to be much more efficient

 - Now relies on default value deviations instead of expected deviations (cheat detection is much more accurate and is resolved nearly perfectly each time)

 - Fixed a common bug with PIB where going into water and then running out would always cause a cheat flag to go off

 - Now protects against the following:

  - Jump cheats

  - Fall damage cheats

  - Acceleration rate cheats

  - Minimum floor angle cheats

  - Screen fade cheats

- Added 4 new actions:

 - ManageCameraSettings. A SUPER ACTION for modifying the current camera settings. Allows for most modifications of in-game variables (due to this, requires a lot of experimenting as there's no KnowWonder code documentation)

 - IfCurrentPlayerIsDerivedFrom. Returns true if the current player's class is derived from a specific class

 - IfMGameVersion. Returns true if the current MGame version being ran is expected

 - TransferClipboard. Takes the user's clipboard and executes a TransferProp with the clipboard's data

- Added 4 new console commands:

 - Execute <strings> (execute works just like SleepFor, but without a time delay)

 - ConsoleKey <byte> (permanently changes the console key to <byte>)

 - SetShamrock <int> (Sets your total amount of shamrocks collected)

 - AddShamrock <int> (Adds your total amount of shamrocks collected)

- Added a new actor: MLevelLoadtime. This actor gets the time it took for the player to load the level.

- The console commands Execute and SleepFor now use the keyword "|" to add additional commands instead of "+" as "|" is used in UE2 keybinding

- Removed the console commands SetAll and AddAll as they have virtually no real use-case

- From within MasterController, switched methods of adding coins and potions to a more native solution

- All summon console commands now look for other locations to spawn if the summoned actor attempts to get spawned in an illegal position (a summon should almost always work)

- SetProp and SetPropPlus can now execute a random action

- FadeActor and FadeView can now use a random color

- OverrideCutsceneMessage now has an option to randomize the text color

- Added a default setting for the color assigned in FadeView like it should've had

- Added a state where the player can both air jump and water jump

- DestroyActors now has an option to only destroy the first actor it finds

- Renamed MSleepFor to MConsoleCommandDelegate and now works as a proper console command delegation actor (meaning others can use it in their code if needed)

- The console command SummonNoRot now only disables pitch rotation instead of all rotation

- MLifeDrainVolume now always heals the player to his maximum health instead of stopping at 100 health

- Fixed the crediting within the source code

- Fixed the crosshair rendering with an odd halo-like effect

- Fixed a crucial bug with IfCurrentPlayer where if only a single player was expected that it'd always also expect Donkey even if he wasn't added

- Fixed a crucial bug with IfCurrentMap where doing a save-load would break this action completely

- Fixed a crucial bug with PlayASound where the sound would fail to play if it wasn't already loaded into memory

- Fixed a bug where using the console command "Invisible True" would log a GetProp

- Fixed a bug in SetPropPlus where you couldn't load global data without assigning a GetProp when a GetProp isn't used for loading global data

- Fixed a bug in IfGetProp where the keyword CurrentPlayer couldn't be used if the condition is a GetProp

- Fixed a bug where the console command "ModifyHealth" would register when it should not

- Fixed a bug where SetHealth and AddHealth would still fire when assigning negative values even if the player is dead, causing problems with certain scripts

- Fixed a bug with the NoTarget console command where it would access none under specific conditions

- Fixed a lot of potential Accessed None errors throughout the custom console commands

- Fixed a typo in LocalizeData to clarify further functions provided by the action


  • Master's Editor Utility Pack 265 kB
    Jan 15, 2023
Download Master Pack (MPak) [v11.0] -- Shrek 2 (PC) Mod/Library
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