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V 1.02 & 1.03

The Solstice Kiss
A downloadable visual novel for Windows and macOS

Woo! Found the devlog section. 

So! The Solstice Kiss! That one.

Major changes rolled out in 1.02 with dialogue overhauls for Rollin, Tullia, and Ira.

- cut out creepy lines about Rollin looking at Juno through her window listen we were short on time and sleep deprived--it seemed funny at the time.

- generally made Rollin's romance sweeter

- added onto and tweaked Tullia's romance for a sweeter version of their romance too

- Ira no longer has a weird accent! Her writing more closely matches her sprite now

- adjusted some trans inclusive wording for sensitivity

- added transitions! scenes now fade in to each other, and characters move in vs magically appearing. this is not perfect--far from--but a step in that direction.

- added some buffers between scenes that went into each other.

- name banners now show under who's speaking. after some feedback of it being hard to tell who's talking, we're hoping this makes it a tad easier.

1.03 changes

- fixed typos. typos are like weeds. as soon as you feel like you've gotten all of them, some more appear.

- adjusted some transitions that weren't working properly


- new sprites! emotions aren't quite hitting the way we want them to yet. we were short on time during the jam, but have all the time in the world to fix them now, so we're taking the time to do so.

- new backgrounds! we've got an actual background artist now! you should be seeing some new backgrounds here in the next month or so.

- new romance scenes. I'd like to add in at least one or two new scenes for Rollin and Tullia to help build up the romance

- a new character. I won't spoil him yet, but you will love him. I promise. I'm only sorry you won't be able to romance him.

- last but not least--blossomjam in April. we will be participating for a part 2 of Juno's story! we're really excited for the next jam. with one already underneath our belts, we're set for the next jam with a lot more preparation. stay tuned for sneak peeks of what we're working on!


  • 104 MB
    Version 1.3
  • 109 MB
    Version 1.3
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