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Slow progress and why.

Enticing School 0.7.7!
A downloadable VN

I am glad to see you all. has mainly been a place where I can communicate with a community at once while keeping my sanity.

In the past, I used to wonder why things were going so slowly, and I thought that I should write this post. Although I forgot about it, I mentioned in the past that the beginning of this novel was a bit rough. This is because my software knowledge was and is still very amateurish. A random person who posted on a forum advised me not to use the default scenarios and to at least design my own. I've been doing that. So creating scenarios and trying to make them look nice at a certain point is not something I would call challenging, but it is time consuming. That way, one update won't take a whole month (even if it still does, kind of), and I don't have to create a lot of areas. I don't consider myself a developer, though that might be debatable. I'm just someone who enjoys writing, not in a professional way, but nonetheless. Giving visual content to my writing is what I find to be exciting and that's what keeps me motivated. Then there's your support, of course. Please accept my sincere apologies for the long wait between updates and for any updates that might not be equivalent to that wait time. Ultimately, as with everything in life, you can like or dislike my writing. That's fair. Keep in mind that my approach is humble; I just do what I enjoy and try to improve whenever I can. If you enjoy it with me, that's it. Maybe in the not too distant future all of you and I can look back and say: what a long and enjoyable journey it has been. I won't stop working on this. The only things that could stop me from doing it is my computer dies, my hard drive fails, or if I die. Let's hope none of those happen any time soon. However, they will in the end. Once all areas have been completed, this progress will run smoothly. There are still a couple more to go, and at some point in the future there will be more. That's what I wanted to say. Thank you.


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