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Update 0.0.0

Heavens Own: Pope Edition
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello folx! Starting on my newest game of the year! Well I guess it's technically my first game of the year.

This one is hopefully going to be a lot better than my previous ones and not look like a crappy mobile game made to scam kids (I'm  looking at you Escape Snow Ridge Basin)

Right now it's just the absolute bare bones not even playable project. Can't call it a game as there is nothing to do yet.

I'll be posting more updates in the coming days.

Anyways that's all for now, thank you everyone who even takes a look at these games. Just knowing that it peaks any ones curiosity makes me very happy (even if it's just "What the heck is this garbage?" bc I agree it's bad but it's also my first games and I'm still learning so I don't mind).

Till next time!

- A Friendly Fox


  • 6 MB
    Jan 11, 2023
Download Heavens Own: Pope Edition
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