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RMBL 1.1

RMBL 1.2
A downloadable game

Yo! Been a minute but I wanted to enjoy the holidays with friends and family. I added more content as well as adjusted a lot of the cure values of the game.


-Attributes will no longer increase as you level because the power scaling was getting too high.  Most of your power should come from what gear you buy and how you distribute your points after level up.  I want this to be the key to player strength and it will also make it easier for me to balance enemies and bosses later on.

-ARMs bonus stats have been reduced to accommodate the attribute changes. I realized that base Attack in command is not something I can easily change and because of that jobs that use Defense (END) had a great advantage over the other ones.

 -Added more encounters to the world map in order to prep for the bigger storyline. You will now encounter rival students in the open world in specific sections of the city.  They will also drop key items that will be utilize later in the game as well as help with level/money grind.

-ARMs have also been reduced in cost in the store so that it is more attainable and allows players to try out the different combinations of skills  for their character.  

-Starting ARMs have been changed to Athlete from Spear>Bow and many of the lvl 1-4 skills have been reduced in TP cost to allow for more use of those skills.  I want to keep combat flowing better as players fight bigger mobs.

Next Update:

For my next update I plan to open up the storyline more and introduce the characteristics of the rival schools. I completed most of the sprite work for each of the schools and need to create the events for each of those schools little by little. Since my idea is to create a multi-branching story where players can approach each school based on their own without direct guidance.  That way you aren't hindered in your progress as you can bounce between objectives however you need to in order to accomplish the overall goal. 

I am currently working on a system at Deity School that will give players more reason to return to it and do some small fun stuff. As money is going to be important for gaining special equipment, I was thinking of implementing a way to help. Along with the story of the rival schools, I am working on progressing the story/dialogue of Deity as well to show the player's progress. Since I do not use a quest journal of any kind I will make sure the Deity NPCs will give proper advice in case players forget their place.

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