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New build when?

Make Or Break!
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hello. Recently I finished act 1 and discussed my goal to complete this game by the end of the year. I also stated that I would be taking a short break. I would like to discuss a few points today.

What will be in the next build?

-Currently I am working on a feature that I started back in 2020 and haven't picked up or touched since. This feature wasn't intended for act 1, but will be in act 2 or 3. This may not be in the next build.

-Act 2 shouldn't take long. The next build might feature act 2, but I am not entirely sure. If needed, I may but out a build soon that fixes glitches and adds some more stuff. 

When will the game be finished?

-I will try my absolute hardest to finish this game by the end of the year. There's no specific time period that I can state, only that it will be complete sometime this year (2023). But expect Q3 or Q4 2023.

When will the next build be?

-There could be a small new build coming soon, but count on a significant update coming next month, or march, at latest.

Thank you for reading!


  • Make or Break! (Windows) (Demo) Jan 5 2023 151 MB
    Jan 05, 2023
  • Make or Break! (Apple) (Demo) Jan 5 2023 81 MB
    Jan 05, 2023
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