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  1. Country Road. A nondescript country road. 01.01.23
  2. Rolling Hills. Gentle sloping hillocks.  01.02.23
  3. The Sea of Grass. A broad grassland. Grasses sway like waves in the wind.  01.04.23


  1. The City at the Crossroads. A beginning. An end. A settlement as timeless as death.  Home to saints and sinners alike.  Destination DR4. 12.31.22


  1. Lush verdant grass.  Short vibrantly hued grass. Ideal for grazing. 01.01.23
  2. Ruined Stone Walls. Toppled stone walls hide.. Roll 1d6.  1) … nothing.  2) … human remains.  3) … a small stash of treasure worth ∆4 wealth.  4) … a misplaced item of minor importance.  5) … a clue to solving a mystery.  6) … an encounter with… Roll 1d6. 1-2) the restless dead.  3) … a rodent.  4) … a small reptile.  5) … a deadly insect.  6) … an angry spirit 01.02.23 
  3. Iridescent Purple Flowers. Poisonous. Sleep inducing Pollen. DR8 vs. Vitality, ∆6 Hour Duration. 01.05.23


  1. The phantasmic form of a gigantic nameless deity can be seen striding across the distant countryside.   01.06.23


  1. Devil Hares. Deceptively cute but craves mortal flesh.  MOB 4∆0, DR4, Deceptive looks ∆8 PRE vs. ∆6 Targets, Bite ∆6. 01.03.23
  2. Restless Horde of the Dead. Unburied human corpses that mindlessly wander the land.  MOB 5∆4, DR6,  Bite ∆4, Claw ∆6 01.07.23


I'm  only posting each week's additions to each table in these updates rather than the entre updated table each time I post. At the end of each month I will post that month's worth of work in the form of a document. and the completed table will only be posted at the end of the year.

I'm currently iffy on what I should include in regards to the encounter's stats.  I initially wanted to include individual ability die ratings, but instead just decided to give them a MOB Ability Die, Difficulty Rating, and an attack ability.  I will probably use a full stat block if an encounter is an NPC.

DR Determines what kind of dice the majority of these encounter's die pool  consist of and since both of these encounters have no "armor" abilities, it determines the effect die needed to harm them.

MOB is used to treat these encounters as die polls rather then as single enemies that must be individually defeated.  This stat is essentially read as "A Mob of X Dice worth of enemies with a Risk Die of Y." Having a ∆0 means that one die of Devil Hares is automatically defeated with a successful hit (regardless of whether or not "damage" would be inflicted by the attack). The Restless Horde of the Dead's ∆4  means that with each die worth of Restless Dead has 2 dice steps worth of "Risk" before it is defeated. 

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