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A downloadable game

The making of Iridescent was part proof of concept and part just a fun project, I wanted to test whether I could make a game almost entirely by myself (with the use of minimal external assets and tutorials and the like) and I ended up with a final product I'm quite happy about.

That being said the breakneck pace I took on for the last 2 weeks of development (the main period of development, before I only did a couple of scripts or test scenes) was very stressful and in an effort to avoid doing that again I will have to put in a lot of effort in future projects to better manage my time and work efficiently.

The pixel art was challenging, but a lot less so than traditional art at least for me, and also quite fun to work on. I am hoping to work a lot more in pixel art in the future so that I can create better and better sprites, tiles and artworks.

Scripting started kicking my ass towards the end of the project, I got an error in my dialogue scripts that I spent several hours debugging to no avail, eventually I used a different tutorial and adapted it from a UI type speech box (think visual novel style or JRPG) to an in-game object.  The error itself was a small problem, a few hours lost is a bummer but no big deal. The problem came afterwards, this error came close to a deadline and with several hours wasted and this bugged script waiting for me I took a few days off so I could destress a little, I did very minimal work on these days only really fixing small things. 

The way I set up the intro cutscene is definitely a very bad implementation method and the blue blocks could do with not using Unity's in-built material bounciness as that makes it quite difficult to time jumps.

I'm also not certain how easily the 'message' comes across? I think the End Screen definitely makes it a lot clearer but it might kind of be shoving said point down player's throats.

I'm eager to work on the next project, improving my workflow and skills.

If you've somehow found this, thank you very much for reading what is effectively just a dev-diary. 
Have a lovely day :D

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