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First Fiendish Furniture Foray

Tower of Kalemonvo
A downloadable masterpiece for Windows and Linux

Greetings and well met, friends

Today is a good day, for it is also patch day!
While it isn't a big patch, it's got some nice fixes to make up for it. The majority of the work went on finishing repairing issues caused by the previous big patch, while also working on the atmosphere a tad. You can expect new 3D visuals for certain objects, and a lot more props littering the field... at least for the first floor and the Halls of Pain!

Another notable change is the music! There is a new track composed by our master musician De1th. You'll hear it as soon as you beat the Lower Dungeons.

There were also, as always, many balance changes. Most players feel as if the Wand and Bow dominate the game, while melee weapons (especially two-handed ones) fall heavily behind. I slightly nerfed ranged weaponry and buffed melee, and I will experiment in this manner a few more times. If it doesn't pan out, then I have several ideas for bigger re-vamps. We'll see how it goes!

There are also some hidden changes and additions, which I believe are best when revealed organically through a playthrough. Of course, if you've played the last version - feel free to skip this one, for I don't believe there is enough new gameplay differences to warrant another go. 

Another thing: For those of you who prefer using Linux, I attempted to create a Linux build of the game. Since I don't have a Linux machine, the build is flimsy at best, with some things missing, but it functions. It too will improve with time, but it is a good a time as any to set it out into the world for those who wish to play but don't have a Windows OS.

We are slowly approaching a state where I think the early parts of the game is finalizing. Of course, we're still missing a tutorial/introduction, but I think those are best saved for last.

Until next time!

Full log:

-New 3D Visuals, Music, Props
-3 New Item modifiers
-New Level 1 Room
-Fixed bugs with returning to previous levels sometimes crashing
-Saves should work everywhere without any issues
-Items play a dropping animation/sound when they spawn
-Added secret World Object
-Added ability to open/close doors
-Reintroduced shadows
-Fixed some AI behavior
-Balance changes with melee weaponry
-Buffed a buff enemy and his posse
-More tooltips and various tooltip improvements
-Various smaller bugfixes

1/3/2023 Edit:
Fixed an issue with regards to levels breaking if you go back and forth between floors a lot. It was another case of "works on my machine but breaks anywhere else".
There also have been reports of players getting stuck on doors, but I haven't been able to replicate this. Should this happen to you, please let me know!

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