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Bombs and Bullets Version 0.08 Released

Bombs and Bullets
A downloadable game for Windows

Version 0.08 has been released!

This version focuses on the underlying pathfinding, better world map, more fleshed out tech tree and additional units.

Due to the massive changes in the underlying pathing, multiplayer restoration is still underway. We'll likely release a version 0.085 just for that.

Let's go through some of the core features of this update!

The pathfinding has been improved markedly, allowing masses of units to execute maneuvers seamlessly and realistically.

Complex groups of units are able to arrive at their destination in formation, with slower units bringing up the rear.

Small aesthetic changes like buildings being able to clear the grass underneath the built site have also been added.

World map is now seamless and spans the globe. Each little square could represent a future map.

Our current map count is only 317 though and entirely arctic. An absolutely pithy amount that will be remedied in future.

We added some vehicles that have MGs by default but can switch their loadout to grenade launchers in the field.

They're mostly APCs, here they are:

We also updated nearly all the icons to this new look. These are tinted the faction and camo color in-game.

We have also added a significant amount of music tracks into the game and randomized the play list. Here's the playlist:

Future Plans:

The very first item is restoration of the multiplayer functionality. I had wanted to have this included in this update, but we ran out of time and I wanted to release something before the end of the year.

The next major goal after that is the addition of AI. We're already rounding out the faction and adding in capture points on the maps to help out with this. Infantry garrison functions are also around the corner to support this.

Aside from that, it's just pumping out more assets in order to increase the number of factions, biomes and civilian structures. I've been very heavily effected by Covid and various life disruptions as of late, but that's in the rear-view mirror now. Hopefully things will increase in speed come 2023.

Keep watching this space for more updates. Bombs and Bullets marches into 2023,full throttle!


Commander Rad.


  • 364 MB
    Dec 29, 2022
  • 363 MB
    Dec 29, 2022
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