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Devlog 6 - Melee Combat

A downloadable game

Disclaimer - These devlogs are one part of a University assignment that Styx is being developed for, so any stilted wording or weird inclusions can be traced back to that fact.

STYX Devlog #6

For a quick recap of what the game is about, see Devlog #1 here.

What's new for STYX?

Happy holidays! We're in the home stretch now - all of our other assignments are out of the way, so it's all-hands-on-deck (haha, boats) to get STYX over the minimum-viable-product line. I've put my programming hat back on, and am pleased to report that new mechanics are arriving by the... boatload. (last pun, I promise.)

The rest of the team will be back to work from tomorrow onwards, so this devlog will be a quick look at what I've been personally tinkering away with for the last few days.


  • Added functional enemy AI that chases and melee-hits the player
  • Added a melee attack for the player
  • Added an adjustable knockback system for the player's melee attacks
  • Added adjustable HP values to the player and enemies
  • Added a mechanic wherein the player's weapon will always point towards their cursor
  • Added a knockback upgrade button to Dionysus' upgrade menu
  • Added a damage upgrade button to Dionysus' upgrade menu


Finally getting the melee combat functional is a step in the right direction - I'm happy to see crucial tasks getting crossed off, and hope it's the first of many as we're all working on the game together now.

The recent approach of focusing only on critical tasks has proven quite effective, so with our other programmer's help, I hope to have a point-and-shoot effect on our project backlog for the next few weeks.

Going Forward

This is the period I've been excited for - no distractions, nothing in our way, just a good team doing great things. There's a lot to get done to reach the minimum viable product, but I'm confident that it'll all come together before our deadline on the 10th January.

Before the next devlog, I'd like to see these implemented:

  • Another unique enemy type
  • Another ship combat mechanic
  • 'Wave' system of enemies working
  • Final art assets for Hephaestus & Dionysus

Thanks for reading devlog #6, and have a happy new year!

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