Posted December 27, 2022 by scarletrazer
| December 15 2022 V0.1
| -Started Project
| -Going well so far, this stuff is fun.
| -Made sample monster
| --Probably going to have to redesign it and make something unique and fresh, but we'll worry about that when it comes to it.
| -Created Zephyr tower and projectile.
| -Created Grass-themed tileset.
| --One grass tile and one cobblestone tile. Going to have to make multiple variants of those.
| -Added Lives and Money.
| --So far, 5 lives and 100 starting cash. May rework, let's see.
| -Tower Menu
| --Still in progress, need to work out how to make upgrades work like in BTD6. Not going to be easy. Christ on a motorbike.