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Tourist Version 0.2

Tourist RPG
A downloadable Tabletop RPG


Version 0.2 of the game is now available. It's a relatively small update, adding rules for a few things that had to be trimmed out to meet the Minimalist RPG Jam's deadline: character bonds, radiation, additional equipment, and a stats for a few example NPCs. There's still a lot of work to be done before it's in a completed state, but I intend to continue making regular updates to add additional content, revise existing content, and eventually create a final version with proper formatting and artwork. The next step is to add a GM Guide and toolbox to aid in creating and running a campaign. 

Thank you for taking the time to check out my work. Any feedback or suggestions on the game would be much appreciated, and have a very merry Christmas. 


  • Tourist RPG - Version 0.2.pdf 223 kB
    Dec 24, 2022
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