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Box'n'Jump V0.4

A downloadable game


-Fixed bugs with levels starting while timeScale was set to 0f. 
-Fixed the start menu level select buttons that got messed up when I stream lined the level select methods in the previous update. 
-Fixed the foot collider to avoid the infinite cube jumps and the occasional wall jump. 
-Edited some levels, removed more softlocks and made some things easier to reach. 
-You can now start game from start without mouse. So the whole game can be played without mouse now. 
-Message to explain pause and restart on level 1

Future features
-controller level selection in start menu
-container collection displayed on main menu
-Closed door for Player Start maybe
-Pause menu can still trigger while victory ui is up
-Asset Redesign, mostly cubes. New player character would be cool too tho. 
-UI Buttons Redesign
-Game Timer for a speedrun mode perhaps. 
-Controller Recommended screen at start
-Moar levelz

Download Box'n'Jump
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