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Test Build 6 Release

holoVersus (Test Build)
A downloadable game

Test Build 6 Changelogs


  • Added Training Mode. It is pretty barebones though. You can save/load a save state within it, set Guard Gauge to return to a certain point, toggle regeneration, and toggle the hitbox/frame data/input viewers. 
  • You can control the training dummy with Player 2's controls and can also swap controls between Player 1 and 2. I may add more functions to it in the future but that is low priority.
  • Fixed a serious issue with variables in the netcode not resetting when a match begins, preventing more than 1 match to be played over the net without relaunching the game.
  • Rewrote the audio system. The game now uses a "Rollback Audio Queue" system when rollback is active. This also resolves a memory leak issue in the previous version.
  • This is a pretty hacky solution though and is not ideal for rollback netcode, but I tried everything I could to do it the proper way to no avail. I'm not even sure syncing the audio like I am suppose to can be done in Godot... There will still be audio distortions here and there, but eh, this is the best I can do.
  •  While navigating the Settings and Controls Menus, the Fierce button now do "Save and Return" instead of "Discard Changes".
  • Increased range of Frame Reverse when watching Replays from 1 second to 3 seconds.


  • Increased pushback on normal block. "Autochain" moves like Gura's g.L and g.H only trigger pushback on the last hit, unless on Perfect Block.
  • Increased recovery frames of Burst Revoke from 1 frame to 6 frames. You can't act out of it as fast, but since you have no gravity during the recovery you can now go further when using Burst Revoke for movement.
  • You can no longer Guardcrush a Guardcrushed character till they recover from hitstun, preventing infinite Guardcrushes with certain moves that have zero Guard Gain.


  • Adjusted Gura's g.L, removing the "active frame delay" on it when hitting a player during their startup animations. The recovery on it is increased. Halved the Impulse speed on it.
  • Sphyra (hammerhead DP) now have an alternate recovery animation if she lands during the aerial recovery frames. This can increase or decrease the recovery time depending on when she lands.


  • holoVersus - 21 MB
    Dec 25, 2022
Download holoVersus (Test Build)
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