Posted December 24, 2022 by Bromberry
I have returned once again, and you may consider it your early Christmas gift. Well, like 20 mins early.
Here's Xalla:
As you can see. I have added a step to my process. First, I used a basic shape to determine the silhouette. In this case, a triangle with some perspective. I, too, gained perspective from this piece. In my humble opinion, the breakdown to a simple shape and focusing on the silhouette really improved the end result. It reads well, unlike for example Samoroth, where I didn't start with the general shapes, but with the intricacies of the twisting limbs, which probably flies over most viewers. I think this is one of the better artworks, if not the best, I have done until now. Of course, I phoned in the background, but it's late and you get the concept. I feel this is the point of diminishing returns, adding details to the background would only cost time without adding substantially. By the end of this challenge, I may have come to the opposite conclusion.
Well, I don't want to bore you and there's Christmas chilling waiting for me. With that, I wish you all a merry Christmas!
Read me on Monday,