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Version 1.0.1 open beta is out! Youtube support and png support!

A downloadable vtube studio plugin for Windows

A new version is here! It will stay as open beta for a week just in case any major issues pop up, given that it has quite a few experimental new functionalities! Below, a rundown of all the major updates to this version (and some minor too)


Hopefully much more intuitive. We also overhauled the top left buttons, now the X button will actually fully close the plugin, while "Tray" will send it to the tray so it continues to run in the background and you don't have to deal with the plugin's window. Also, while on the tray, you can close it or re-open it by right-clicking on the tray button


Now VTS P.O.G. supports youtube! Here is a boring yet hopefully useful video tutorial on how to make it work

And here a tldr;

Before each stream, paste the link to the stream waiting room here and then click the "Start youtube" button

The plugin currently supports nightbot for commands or you can use the plugin's own "point window" by capturing it. We will add support to more bots and options in the future. 

New chat command options!

We didn't think at first people would like and use the chat commands these much, so given feedback from the community we added the following options so you can leave it as a perk for mods, VIPs, or subscribers if you so desire (except VIP, all other options work on youtube too!)

Trigger Vtube Studio hotkeys on TTS start and end!

You can now trigger a Vtube Studio hotkey when TTS starts and ends, making it possible to highlight the fact that a TTS is starting, in process, or ending, here is an example by Noctapus, but the limit is the sky!


Now we have official support for png pets through two different methods: 

  • browser source
  • png live2d model

You can find both files on downloads. Browser source is just a literal drag and drop like shown in this video

For the png live2d model, you need to edit its texture. While harder, given that it is integrated into VTS you can drag and drop items on top of it or stick to your model so it is a great alternative. A PSD is included in the texture folder of the model with references.

When using png pets, we highly recommend using the new png mode toggle which will average the parameters a bit more and help make the png mouth movement more consistent. You may also need to tinker with the volume slider to get to the sweat spot for your setup.

PNG models in VTS P.O.G. use 4 frames which are detailed here

  1. Idle
  2. Blink
  3. Mouth halfway open
  4. Mouth open

We have plans to allow artists to use more complex setups soon, look forward to the next announcements after the holidays. 

If you have a model without a blink and/or mouth halfway open frames, you can just repeat idle and mouth open in those frames in that order.

Float keyboard input option (experimental)

By clicking on this button

You can make a small text input window appear that will be on top of all other programs and games you have open. By clicking on it or pressing F1 while it is open, you can write down stuff on it and send it by either clicking send or enter key.

You can also make the close and drag button appear by clicking on it.

We hope this will be helpful to make quick TTS while playing, and it might be the first step for mute tubers to be able to use the plugin for their content. More updates are to come in this same general direction, so we will highly appreciate feedback on how useful this first step is.

Volume slider in the plugin

This was, I think, our biggest oversight on release... lol Volume slider! wow! amazing! haha

Other new functionalities

  • Added a delay option to TTS so the audio won't overlap with alerts or other audio cues that may be playing on stream.
  • Added a button to relog to Twitch.
  • Added an option to replace the "boop boop boop" played on a banned word with a custom phrase. If left empty, the TTS will just be skipped.
  • Added version control alert, you will be notified now when a new version is available for download.
  • Added an option to select the VTS port that the plugin will connect to.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where mixed params weren't resetting correctly after a TTS.
  • Fixed a bug where the volume and frequency gain slider wasn't applying correctly after saving the plugin.
  • Fixed an issue where VTS token authorization wasn't being saved correctly on the first launch
  • Fixed an issue with redeeming name recognition on Twitch points redeems
  • Fixed ban word filter where, under certain circumstances, was either ignoring words or giving false positives.
  • Fixed an issue where if the text is empty when using a command, the plugin will just read the command word
  • Fixed issues with log file saving and general settings saved.
  • Minor fixes on functionality and UI.

Happy holidays :D 


  • (old)vts-pog beta 1.0.1 157 MB
    Dec 22, 2022
  • 1 MB
    Dec 22, 2022
  • pogu_kun 2 MB
    Nov 13, 2022
  • pngpog 4 MB
    Dec 22, 2022
Download VTS P.O.G.
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