Posted December 22, 2022 by Laukaus Games
#update #1.3.0
Morning, warriors!
A new version of Para Bellum - Frontlines Public Demo is out. Here's a list of changes included:
- Per request changed the way tracers work. Now every 3rd round is a tracer and the last 5 or so rounds of a magazine are all tracers to notify you of running out. This is a more realistic way how tracers are often implemented in real life and makes the battlefield feel a bit less chaotic. Let me know what you think about it!
- Udpated character textures a little. Hands look a bit more detailed mostly
- Replaced placeholder assets for few weapons (as seen on the picture) with new models and textures made by me that better fit the rest of the game's aesthetic
- Fixed a couple of bugs related to weapon functionality where player couldn't shoot at times requiring a respawn and that made weapon supporting functionality unreliable
I wish you all a happy and relaxing Christmas or any other seasonal festivities you might take part in! I'll see you soon.
Over and out!