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Going pixel art

Beyond the Sphere
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Beyond the Sphere: Going pixel art

Time to read: 2m

The solar system

BtS will be receiving a fresh piece of a solar system! Here are some of its bodies.


Triga is a G-Type star located at the center of the solar system Trigama, named after the home star of Triga.


The Trigamian equivalent to Mercury, Kedo, will be a planet with no atmosphere, close to the home star, with a relatively normal rotation period.


What could be explained simply as hell, Thalia is the hottest planet in the Trigama system.


Home of the Droide species, it's a habitable planet about the size of Thalia.


Sister body of Droidi, it's the only natural satellite in the inner system.


Despite being in the habitable zone, its atmosphere has been blown off, resulting in a barren and hostile landscape.


The largest planet in the system. It's not just a useless fatty though - it catches asteroids! Quite a stormy fella.


Gulp's brother. And he loves rings.


Is this a ball of ice cream, or a planet? That leaves to be researched!

Other changes

The next few days will include reworking the main game mechanics, and remaking the modules in a pixel art form.

Thank you for your support, and see you in the Trigama system!

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