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Artwork Milestone & Soundtrack BEGIN!

True Colours
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hello gamers!  Borealis here!

You read right - we have some great milestones to celebrate!  Firstly, remember how I've been mentioning recently that I've started working on new areas of the game?  I'm happy to reveal that one of them is the soundtrack!  As it stands, I have four tracks completed.  However, I'm not sure what percentage to put the soundtrack completion at yet - I feel as though in contrast to Venus: Improbable Dream, True Colours will feature lots of shorter tracks, rather than lesser but longer ones.  The songs I'm coming up with so far are a bit shorter than I'd usually aim for, but they're also really fun!  So the soundtrack might actually feature more songs than I'd anticipated - just made up of short but effective pieces.  This will also allow for more track changes per scene, which will make your gameplay experience even more musical and interesting!  When I have more to tell you about - and maybe even a sneak peek - I'll let you know!


Now, we also have a victory when it comes to our sprite artwork!  This week, all three of our dishy dateable characters - Brianna, Malik and Ash - have reached 100% completion on their sprites!  This is super exciting, and what's even cooler is that we've designed our first side character!  I love this person's appearance so far - Noodz Art has really nailed their demeanour in their design.  I can't wait for you to see them!

Speaking of which - how would you like to see exclusive reveals, including early access character designs, before the rest of the public do?  If you didn't know, I have a special Borealis Games newsletter, and each week, the lucky members get a sneak peek of something to do with the game's development ahead of the public reveal!  In fact, today they've already seen a little snippet of this brand new character's design - and no one else will see it yet!  If you want in on this hot tea right as it's served, I have just the mug for you - click the icon below to sign up!


Alright gamers, time for me to get hustling to make even more cool stuff to show you!


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