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A browser game made in HTML5

ALRIGHT! It's here! My newest game and my last game for this year. I really didn't mean to upload 3 different games in 2022 but, when the inspiration strikes you just gotta jump on it I guess!

If you've been keeping up on twitter and such, you'll know that FLYTRAP is a very simplistic Game & Watch styled game all about helping a fly trap named Marty each flies trying to eat him! It's dog eat dog in this twisted little world I've concocted. So dark and cruel.

Anyway, there's not a lot to say on this one. Play it with a controller for the best experience. You can play in browser, but downloading it works better. If you're brave you can play in browser on phones but it's got some issues I'll have to look into. 

If you're wondering what'll become of the 3 games I downloaded this year, I am going to look into giving them some small updates sometime next year. Perhaps for their 1 year anniversaries. For BOYZ WORLD WIDE WEST I'd like to see if I can impliment back buttons for each option and code entering, as well as some extra new customization options. For DaRoach now that I know SumRndmDde has the WONDERFUL hud making plugin, I will absolutely go back and try to add an active score counter IN GAMEPLAY. That would be SO nice you have no idea. Then I need to fix the invincibility frames, I thought I got them to work but that was a complaint I got from a few people, so I'll see what I can do with it. As well as maybe adding new maps in endless mode and polishing up some old maps.

As for Yumonsters I mentioned on its 1 year anniversary that I don't think that game will updated much past this point. It's made REALLY poorly and that makes adding a lot of content a headache. But now that I know what I'm doing a lot better... Well, it won't be happening any time soon but do keep an eye out for potential future plans for a Yumonsters sequel of some kind. It's going to be a lot easier to build the game from the ground up rather that trying to add stuff to the clunky current game.

And that's about the gist of it! Have fun playing FLYTRAP, feel free to leave any feedback, check out my other games on Itch and other projects I worked on (Moonlight Pulse, a game I helped design characters and draw some assets for, was recently added to steam nudge nudge wink wink), follow me on twitter for more of my art, and have a great day!


  • FLYTRAP 124 MB
    Dec 13, 2022
  • FLYTRAP 260 MB
    Dec 13, 2022
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