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Deadly Turrets Added DevLog #2

Black Hole Incident
A downloadable game

Beware of the Turret!

Hello everyone, how are all of you? I am a few hours late posting this as I passed out last night. Sorry for that. I fall asleep on my keyboard often. Thank goodness I hit CTRL + S like a mad man! None of that late night face programming in here!!

 I have added one of many models of turrets into the game. Turret fully tracks the player, and is VERY deadly. I have 8 models of turrets I need to set up, this is just number one. Lets be candid with each other now, number one takes the longest. Number one of anything requires most the setup, scripting, etc. The rest I just have to swap out the 3D models and link up the to axis. Easy peazy cover girl.

I am still working on getting a playable demo up for everyone. I am a bit old, so the game is hard for me. My son says its perfect and addictive. I usually have to beg him to play test for me. This game, he told me he just can't stop playing. BOOM! I love hearing that. If I can get my 15 year old hooked I have a chance here!

Tons more to do today, I do have a day job, so dev will have to take second place.. Sad Face!! Someday I will be able to game dev full time, that day will be glorious! Until then, I game dev after work every day. Lots of improvements coming to the game, and lots of fun exciting game play! I can't wait to see all of you playing The Black Hole Incident! See you all soon!

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