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Better visuals, and actual water! (sort of)

Worldbuilder 1
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Last week i've been working on the last new in-game features, those being:

  • Biome transitions, the change in ground color is now more gradual.
  • moving water layer, an actual water layer instead of terrain with blue color 😅.
  • A bunch of new vegitation props, adds some nice variety (these assets are not mine, but from the Unity asset store).
  • I added a skybox, super simple but looks good, and added some slight fog

For the biome transitions i just get a small block of tiles, add their ground colors to a total, and divide by the amount of tiles to get the average, it was a bit tricky to get the color of tiles in adjacent chunks, but i got it working. it does take a lot of calculations though, should probably reduce that.

The water is a new mesh that get's generated when a chunk has water in it, every frame the heights get updated, this is also pretty heavy on performance for what it does, but it was my first attempt. I've learned that usually this stuff is done with (compute) shaders.

That's about it for new features!

My code has gotten a bit messy, and it's doing a bunch of useless calculations, next release version will probably run a lot better as i'll be working on that!

As for things i'm planning to add next, the main things are: options screen in main-menu, better UI in general haha, and a screen where you can change some world settings before you start the game.

I'm learning a lot by putting this online, makes me think more about what i do / don't need to add, and things like graphics and UI become more important when i actually want others to play it.

That's about it, byebye!

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