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Build 9: Navbar and Multiple Pages

Mellow Garden
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Hello Gardeners!

I am excited to show you the progress I've made on the project!
With build 9 I've added some QoL features and changed the fertilizer system

Menu Bar and Multiple Pages
I've polished the UI a bit more and added a menu bar that will enable you to switch tabs!

Shop and Currency + Upgrades
Build 9 brings a new shop with leaves as the currency. You will be able to get leaves by keeping your tree alive!
There are also upgrades and Tobi The Gardener! Tobi will make sure that your plants are okay for up to 3 days!
You can buy extra time that stacks. The remaining time is visible in the tree tab.

Particles and SFX
I've also added some temporary particles and SFX. I will change these in the future but I just wanted to get the idea out there!

Cog moved
With the addition of pages I've moved the cog menu to a seperate tab. I will make this more polished since right now it looks bad.

Let me know what you think!

Patch 1:
- Fixed UI issues
- Added a way to differentiate the active tab



  • Android (10+) Alpha 24 MB
    Version 12
  • Windows x64 Alpha 16 MB
    Version 12
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