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Change Log; Version 1.24b -> 1.25b

Monster Girl Garden
A downloadable game for Windows

Release Dates
Patreon: November 30th   <--Now Available!!
Itch: December 7th   <--Now Available!!

New Content:
-New Animations; Neko Male x Slime Female, Neko Male x Slime Futa, Neko Male x Neko Female, Neko Male x Neko Futa
-Elfgrass Biome; different types of weeds can grow, which may yield different things when cut down
-Elfgrass may grow any kind of flower
-New Map, accessible from the pause menu

-Pick up and Drop monsters using the 'Move Decor' key (O by default)
-Calendar overhaul; Months are replaced by seasons, each still having 28 days
-Flowers overhaul; Flowers will now level up if they are taken care of, and dry out and die eventually if neglected. Higher level flowers produce more Honey
-Shuffled around the dates of almost every tournament
-Amount of stats passed ranges from 1-10 based on total Wisdom (1-512)
-Tutorial Neko can no longer be sold, trained, or battled in the arena until the tutorial is over
-Rocks below a certain size will now be automatically picked up

Bug Fixes:
-Selling items no longer resets rot
-Selling the last item in a stack caused the item panel to stay, even after exiting the shop
-On the last day of each month/year the calendar was displaying the incorrect month/year respectively
-Removed a delay placing turf which let the player put the item away before placement was complete. This was also removing the first item in the players inventory
-All stats are now properly considered by stat pass
-Garden failed message was overlapping money display
-Fixed a duplicate item display appearing behind the smelting hud
-Fixed a glitch which would display an old instance of your inventory after visiting the shop once, and then the furnace, and the shop again
-Sex was recording multiple instances of 'Fucked by,' resulting in inaccurate, often ridiculous numbers
-Workshop was not showing backpack upgrade until file was reloaded
-Monsters designated as Busy or Visiting could be sold regardless
-Monster Manager display no longer has a cap


  • Monster Girl Garden v1.24b 524 MB
    Nov 09, 2022
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