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This game is still being worked on!

Just Fine
A downloadable game for Windows

Yo itch peeps! Me again. I'm back with some updates on Just Fine. First of all I'd like to mention that from now on the devlogs will be posted in my discord server aswell! ( I've said on my twitter that I'll be using discord exclusively now but I've literally as just realised how to use itch so I'll post em here aswell.

Secondly, The game...

I'll be honest here and say that about 3 days ago I bought the Dev version of Clickteam Fusion and that sorta reignited my passion to work on this game. Before that point, I had not worked on the game fully for about ... Ehhh I'd say about 3 months. That's mainly because I had work to go to and I'm lazy so. Not many new features but the ones I have added I think will very much help!

Options Menu:

An input viewer?????? (image attached i think i dont know if this will work unless i post it so)

Yes an input viewer. This was originally from another project I was messing around with but the main playtester (my mate pete) asked for it to be in Just Fine as well so It's here. Also if you switch the input viewer on in the options it will STAY ON!!!! This isn't really that big of an achievement but it is for me so shush.

Volume Buttons:

Basically I said this in the last devlog but there's an issue with how I made the volume saving which caused there to be no volume until you choose which settings you wanted... That's not fixed because idk how but I have updated the buttons.

Basically it has a little slider looking thing to show which volume level you have selected! The slider doesn't actually work (I'm not THAT good) but I think it looks very nice and adds a bit of character to the games option screen.

tbf that's basically it. I'm holding out on showing too much of the levels because I want people to not know exactly what to do when they first play the game.

Before I go, I want to clarify what this game is. IT IS NOT A "LONG FORM PLATFORMER". Let me explain. This game is and always will be a platformer with small levels meant to be played as fast as possible. It is not like any Mario games (not half as good either) or any other really good platformers. My mate pete ,who is the main playtester , is a speedrunner and this is sorta the type of people who would like this game (I think???)

Alright enough rambling from me. If this devlog makes no sense it is because this was written at 5 am. That's about it I think.

See you whenever I do something that makes the game Better!


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