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On keeping a dream journal

Exquisite Dream
A downloadable half-baked TRPG thing

I think there are many reasons why it's a good idea to keep a dream journal! It's a good way to capture what your unconscious mind is processing, it's a source for creative ideas, and - I mean - dreams are such fascinating things that I want to remember them better. Your mileage may vary, of course.

I've kept mine since high school, though a lot of the early stuff has been lost. The perils of bad archival practices, I guess? But I have semi-consistent records going back to around October 2016, and looking at the stuff I've dreamed about - and I suppose by extension, the stuff I felt was important - has been fascinating.

Was spending too much time reading my dream diary the reason why today's TRPG is extra half-baked? You shall never know.

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