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Balancing and Bug Fixes

Saving the World from Slime
A downloadable game

This is a very big update. If nothing else, read the red text. It's crucial! v0.0.3.3 includes the following:

  • Switched "Energy Multiplier 1" to a boost to EPS.multMult which is a multiplier for the EPS mult
  • Improved conditional upgrades and sections
  • Added an incinerator to dispose of unwanted resources (energy not included). It gives the player Ash (currently an unusable resource)
  • Mitosis has been changed to SlimeTraps. They can be built in the Buildings tab and must be researched before building. Mitosis levels are transferred
  • Fixed the tooltip for Slimes
  • Fixed Slime Bio-Reactor tooltip (which may never have been broken in the first place)
  • Fixed the tabs so that updates don't flicker
  • Capacitive Slimes affect the Soft Cap of the Idle multiplier instead of the EPS Mult. It's meant to counteract the fact that the Idle Mult is overpowered (I'm still trying to balance this. Perhaps it'll become a currency or something. The Slime boosts are a bit OP, tbh)
  • The Idle Mult Max has a lower bound of 0.001. It cannot fall below that value (for now anyway)
  • Energy gain can no longer be negative
  • Added a cap to the time since the last click for calc. Caps at 10 minutes because I did my initial math wrong and 10 minutes is a 6x increase rate. Extra time is "converted" to free clicks. 240 per day (that is eventually going to change)
  • Retired Player.Idle.boostedMax. All of its functionality has been replaced by Player.Idle.max
  • Fixed Capacitive Slime display and functionality bugs
  • Added a slider for the amount of currency to sacrifice when purchasing Unique Slimes
  • Revamped the design of the Unique Slime section. Switch between types of Unique Slimes using the dropdown menu. It is the slime's name
  • Sticky Slimes are a Unique Slime now. I've modified the cost of upgrades to make them easy enough to obtain early
  • For now, the level of the "Sticky Auto Slime" slime generator has been set to 1. It will be removed in a later update. I need to revamp the building tab before that can happen
  • Improved sticky slime calculations
  • Sticky slimes can't be incinerated
  • Cannot sacrifice an odd amount of slime to get Sticky Slimes. no half-sticky slimes for you
  • Fixed reset bugs. A reset now truly resets the game. It also immediately saves after the reset. There's no going back once you reset! Use with caution!
  • The boost from slimes has been universally reduced. It was 0.001 per slime and is now calculated as sqrt(amount of slimes)/100

Important Notes:

If you have at least 1 slime pen built, please build a second one before you update. I'm swapping sticky slimes to be the first unique slime and capacitive slimes are becoming the second. If you don't have a second slime pen built when the game tries to save, you will lose all of your capacitive slimes.

I'm trying to solve some of the biggest balance issues in this update. The gameplay is much faster than what I want right now. I'm hoping these changes will rein it back in.

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