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Kaiju Fishing - Pre Alpha Demo
A downloadable game for Windows

This week at Mutant, we're ready to eat a LOT of turkey.

Weekly Dev Update #77
Week of November 21, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (How is it already Thanksgiving?!

) We’ve had an… interesting couple of weeks, so I’ll catch ya up to speed. We also have some fun art the team put together for the holiday, as well as some new crustaceans.

We’ll be taking most of the week off to spend time with our families and friends, but we’ll be right back to work next week. We hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving <3


So we had a fuuuuuun week. It was a comical string of problems - it started with minor Windows issues for one of us (Jeff), then escalated to major

 Windows problems… for a completely different person (me), and then some illness around the team. We fixed up our Windows crashes (which included buying a new SSD for me) and got rest to recover. Finally we were able to get back on track but it did eat up almost a full week for us.

But, thankfully, this was all capped off with a wedding! Zach’s the latest to enter this new stage of life and we wish him the best.

Fun fact: 75% of the Kaiju Fishing team had weddings in the last year.


While the rest of the team was busy with Windows issues or getting married, Sarah stayed productive. Her week was spent on these lil guys.

These crabs are adorable and we love them. You'll find these fellas sunbathing around the rocks of Kaiju Fishing.


To wrap up this holiday update, please enjoy these images that the team put together.


That’s all we got for ya this week. It’s time for turkey and Pokemon.

Be sure to check out the Demo and share the game with your friends! Every little bit helps. You can also join our Discord if you want to share your best catches amongst our community, give us feedback, and get access to the newest test builds. We love seeing all the new faces (well, usernames) who are playing the game and we can’t wait to give you more!

As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can Wishlist the game on Steam, join ourDiscord or follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios.

Download Kaiju Fishing - Pre Alpha Demo
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