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Office Area - Wolf King - Development

Changed 3D
A downloadable Changed3D for Windows

So, after working in merely the SKELETON of the Office Area section, I've finally managed to design, program, and model all the stuff for the Wolf King boss battle! This is merely the skeleton, and can be so much more, and WILL be much more. I'm planning to upgrade the models, replace placeholders, improve level design, difficulty, etc., etc.

So, here are some pictures of the Wolf King's lair and his model. (Pictures attached to this post!)

The Wolf King battle is fully functional, and the game may save before the battle, one may save in the Save Station, fight the boss, fail and retry, etc. and everything will work, as to what I have tested.

So now that this final part of the skeleton in the Office section is complete, I may now proceed to properly FINISHING the previous levels and all the stuff, from that I mean: transfurs, level improvement, lacking level events, better difficulty balancing, dialogs, and all the other tiny-itsy-bitsy details. Why like this? Why not start and do everything right from the beginning? Because I like to quickly sketch out all that I must do, then proceed to finish all the details.

So, now in the future you will be seeing all the levels improved with dialogs, transfurs, better level design, maybe easter eggs (if I can find the time for such thing!), and other stuff!

Though I'd like to mention that I'm soon going on vacations and development will therefore be PAUSED.

If you like what you are seeing, please leave a constructive or positive comment, it helps me get motivation to finish this! :)

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