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Extra Texture

We Are Simulacra
A downloadable game

I've spent the last couple of days, working on texture

There are now nine unique visual textures for the game, including both interior and exterior wall and floor textures. They turned out far better than I could have hoped for and they really help to tie things together, visually. Gone are the days of checkerboard floors and orange geometry. It now looks more like a game than anything I've ever created. :)

On to story texture. When creating the visuals a new idea came to me regarding the setting of the game. Originally it was to be set in a remote alpine area in, or around, Russia. Complete with rolling snowstorms, icy lakes and white tipped taiga. However, as I was implementing the different types of ground I captured from in and around my house, something dawned on me. While the Russian wilderness can be beautiful I have a whole other type of beauty at my front door. The Australian outback. The more I thought of it, the more it made sense to me. This way, not only did it mean I could show off a unique beauty, a beauty I'd come to love more and more in the past years, but it also means I can make all the textures myself! 

And it made sense to me in other ways, in story ways. If you were going to look for a secret Russian military facility filled with Russian soldiers and Russian scientists, the last place you would think to look is the Australian outback. It's a crazy idea but I think it works. Plus it would help explain why all the characters have Aussie accents.

One last bit of texture is this: the title of the game. A lot (and I mean a lot) of thinking went into this, many options were weighed but I'm happy to finally have something to call the game. The title is now Autonomy: On Fallen Shoulders.

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