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GuildMestar Update - Exploration Facelift

A downloadable game

Hello GuildMestars,

In stark contrast to the last update, update is here already. Coming with it are a multitude of changes to how exploration is presented as well as some major changes to combat.

Within this new update you will find that enemies have gained a significant mental advantage. No longer mindless drones enemies have different AI packages from which to choose causing each encounter to feel different from the last. The main focus here that character's behaviors will change forcing the player to constantly adapt to differing enemy compositions. This along with the new boasting system, replacing the older bounty system, and all characters being able to utilize items vastly increases the options available for each exploration.

For more detailed patch notes see below, otherwise download the free updated demo containing everything below and try your hand and running (or ruining) a guildhall.

Signed, StrangerTod - OffPath



- Major -

• Enemy combat AI has been vastly improved. Previously all enemies only targeted themselves with defensive cards and randomly selected targets for offensive cards

• Rewards from dungeons are now seeded to that dungeon

• Enemies will now utilize and drop items as their combat reward along with existing treasure items

• Dungeon Boasting has arrived. Complete the stage construction project to unlock boasting for any dungeon, increasing the difficulty and reward

• Animations has been added to exploration

• Exploration party leader can now be changed mid dungeon by dragging party characters

• Dungeon start and end screens have been updated

- Minor -

• Lowered the chance of treasure items spawning from exploration rewards screen from 10x to 3x

• Available item slots are now tied to character race

• Added additional possible names to the pool of adventurers

• Minor changes to existing exploration backgrounds

• Changed wording on "Altered Riches" to be more clear, purely visual

• Modifier names are now independent of a characters name, allowing character's names to be edited while preserving the title

• Characters now display their active mechanics under their information during exploration


• Forest Cabin is no longer re-enterable if failed after the first attempt

• Potentially fixed issue where enemy action blocks would display too far to the right

• Adventurers no longer enter from the original door location upon completion of a construction upgrade that would change it before reloading

• Construction "Main Hall Level 2" double doors no longer open on one set on hinges

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