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The Pain Update

Tower of Kalemonvo
A downloadable masterpiece for Windows and Linux

Greetings and well met friends,

It is another fine day, made all the finer for it is also Patch Day.

As promised, I bring you a fat patch loaded with content. In fact, I think it has too much content, and I will perhaps toy around with smarter ways of releasing content. As always, I will list off the biggest and most notable changes, but many will go unmentioned here, and will be up to you to discover. 

There has also been a lot of balance changes, where some aspects were buffed and many others nerfed. Due some changes you will read about soon, many balance changes will not be discussed since I believe the game will require a pure balancing patch later on, after which things will normalize. 

Before we continue, two announcements:

First: The development team of myself has now expanded- I am joined by two friends who will, when able, assist me with matters of 2D art and Sound Effects

Secondly: I have a discord for the game now! Feel free to join and tell us how the game is too easy for you:

Now, onto the balance changes:


-Added a new main level, filled with 3 brand-new enemy types. They might be too hard.
-Added a small level for world-building purposes. You will encounter a friendly face there
-Added new Potion types. They are randomly assembled at the start of the game, and will always have different names and effects.
-Added new Potion tiers. There are now Small, Medium and Large potion types
-Redesigned the way Potions drop. Only Small Potions drop early game, and more tiers start to spawn as you progress
-Redid art for all Potions

-Redid art for all early-game Spells, up until Tier 3. Tier 3 and 4 Spells will be done soon enough.
-Redid the way Damage is calculated. The difference is slight, but it's there. It allows for some enemies to be immune to certain damage, but weak to other types.
-Added visuals to show which Damage Type will apply a Damage Effect. Your sword will burn if you deal Fire Damage, give off sparks for Lightning, and so on.
-Hallowed Damage now deals double damage to all Undead enemies. Only the Hallowed Damage values will be multiplied and not your whole Damage amount
-Redid Wands. Wands now launch projectiles of their Damage Type. All wands now have a Damage Type. Some Types are rarer than others.
-Wands have low damage and do not benefit from Strength. Wand Damage increases by 1-1 for every 5 Intelligence.


-Hotbar completely redone as to match the new Orb visuals
-Spellbook completely redone as to match the new aesthetic style of the UI
-Updated Spell Description and Combat Arts description for every Spell and CA
-Added an option to rebind keys both ingame and in the Main Menu. Keys are persistent between game sessions
-Added minor description to some inventory items
-Changed +Armor % and +Defense % modifier descriptions to better reflect the changes
-You can now deselect Spells, and have no Spell equipped by clicking an empty Spell slot in the UI page
-Fixed various button highlighting issues


-Fixed Upperhalls issues with inaccessible rooms, and also fixed some pathfinding issues with certain room combinations. Again.
-Fixed rare bug caused by reading books in specific inventory slots
-Fixed rare bug which prevented items from autoequipping if you fiddled around with potions a lot
-Named enemies will properly react if one of their mob units spots you
-Vastly improved minimap on loading a saved game. Not perfect, but miles better
-Fixed being able to move Fountains if you did some very specific shenanigans
-Invalid saves will now try to autodelete
-Items left on the ground on a reload no longer leave holes in the pathfinding mesh


-Changes to the lighting system. The game should look better now
-If you have a weapon and offhand equipped and are swapping it for a two-handed weapon, the game will attempt to put both equipped items in the backpack instead of having to manually send both
-The game will now automatically display stats for a weapon you inserted into a slot or picked up, instead of having to stop and start mousing over it again.
-Unseen enemy types are now much harder to see at a distance
-Added various visuals and sounds to minor effects such as Reflect Damage, Lifesteal and so on
-Various performance boosts. The average FPS should be high on most machines now. Still more to fix here

And much more!

As always, I will monitor the bugs and issues this update will inevitably bring, and I will try to correct them as soon as possible.

Should you manage to play through to the end, let me know your thoughts!

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