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Progress Update #6

True Colours
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey hey, gamers!  Borealis is back with a progress update and some great news!

I went quiet last week due to delays in the development process, but we're back on good form now!  Here's how it's looking today:

  • Story structure writing: 100% complete!
  • Script writing:  51%
  • Coding: 0%
  • Soundtrack: 0%
  • Sprite artwork: 62%
  • CG artwork:  62%
  • BG artwork:  100% complete!

As you can see, those three main focus areas - script writing, sprites and CGs - are all over halfway completed now!  That's a good feeling.  I've finished scripting two of Malik's endings, and am heading steadily towards the other two.  Also, I have a very exciting bit of news for you regarding that 62% on sprite creation - our third and final romance partner's design is completed!  We just need a few final tweaks to be put in place, and then I can reveal this special someone to you all!


That's all for this week folks, but remember - I have an exclusive newsletter club that you can join, and each Friday, I send you all the info I share in these devlogs AND lots more!  Sneak peeks of upcoming reveals and insider info awaits - why not join up?  Click the icon below to join the ranks!

Bye-bye for now!


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