is community of indie game creators and players


November Update!

Strange New Bodies
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

If we see that players are often hitting certain quests, but totally ignoring others - then we know something's afoot! If players tend to stop halfway through particular sections or get lost, well that's something to investigate and improve! So we're spending quite a bit of time integrating G.A. into our systems - the benefits will be pretty excellent! 🤓

Now, a bit about privacy. All data from the upcoming integration will be anonymous and opt-in. Which means Google Analytics won't be enabled unless the player explicitly says they want to participate. We're also not going to bury the consent on page 37 in one of those standard Corpo "Usage Agreements" that are all the rage now. The team fully supports the right to privacy and the ability to opt-out will exist even if the player does initially consent.

Whew! That's a long post, but hopefully will explain why we're currently focusing on Google Analytics integration. It's going to massively help the development process in the long-term! (the tldr, as they say) We'd love to see you there!

Look for a big update next month just in time for the holidays! December will be a technical patch, so light on the content but heavy on the underlying systems. As always thank you so much for the support and love! 💗

With low-gravity high-fives,

-The SNB Team

p.s. Feel free to contact us on Discord! We'd love to see you there! 🎈


  • 347 MB
    Oct 11, 2022
  • 333 MB
    Oct 11, 2022
  • SNB-0.4.3-linux.tar.bz2 322 MB
    Oct 11, 2022
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