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SPoM - Developer's log 06

Saving Princess of Mars
A downloadable game for Windows


A short update...

I was resolving tasks regarding level progression, options and UI elements.


Level progression functionality

Now both levels are connected to the save system and can be played normally - level 2 in succession of level 1. With level 2 save implemented now, the game can be continued playing from the Main menu regardless if the player has left playing on level 1 or 2.

While doing that I've created a cheat panel as (hidden) part of the Mein menu so I can now easily choose the level and checkpoint where to spawn and play-test the game.

I've made some changes to transition so all levels will have the level name shown when the level starts. This still needs to be connected to the localization system, but I will do that when I finish writing localization files necessary for finalization of level 2 (dialogues, comments, tutorial texts...).


Options logic changes

The Options panel has been changed so player can now control more of the sound settings. In addition to Master and Music volumes there is now a slider for Sound effects volume.

To do this I've changed sound control logic and now I use an Audio mixer. My original version was done for Unity 2017 when the Audio mixer didn't exist.

Another addition to the Options panel is the ability to disable ingame tutorial popups. Some asked for this and now it is implemented, although by default popups will be shown.

Old Options panel

New Options panel

Among other small things I've done I've added delay for closing Tutorial popup so it doesn’t get closed accidently by hitting ESC.

With those things done I can turn to making dialogues, cut scenes and rest of the art. Sounds I will do the last, when cutscenes and the last enemy are done.


That's all for now,

Stay tuned!

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