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Added Character Models

We Are Simulacra
A downloadable game

Ooh it has been a productive week for me. Not only have I started modelling the individual weapons, I now have the model for the player character too! Complete with a couple animations.

For now the enemies will have the same model but later down the track I will create a more advanced design for them. As, in the story, they will be a more advanced version of the lead character's design. Enemies might have slight differences to each other visually as well, depending on what type they are. Eg: a heavy, light or more aware unit. There will also be human soldier's and I'm considering adding a flying enemy type! Drones anyone?

Production is going smoothly. I'm about two months in, if that, and I've been making good progress. I'm at the stage where I feel a lot more confident in my ability to create and I seem to be trying before searching more times than not. I still have a lot of mechanics to add and finding where I need to stop adding things has been tricky. Should the camera be like MGS? MGS V? Should it have a fully supported first person mode where you can aim and play without holding a button? There are big questions to answer, which is fun but, a yes to any of them could mean months more work. So whether or not they are needed will be paramount. 

There also are a lot of currently unanswered question to do with graphics. Should the game be high res? Low res? And if so should these be optional or should it default to high? Does looking like a PSX game make it more fun or does it really not matter? 

Fun questions, for the moment at least. 

I know I can't make this an everything game. That's unrealistic but I definitely want to do a lot and the more options a player has, the better,  I think. It just comes down to how much time I want to put into this.

Did I say story?

Yes, your eyes didn't deceive you, I've been working on the story. Hopefully, without saying too much, I'll give away the premise. 

      It all began the day Dr Apparat started research into the field of robotics. A genius mind, perhaps clouded with ambition, set out with the lofty goal to create a helper for mankind. Once he'd successfully created a design for intelligence, his research was seized by the military, to be headed by lesser minds, in pursuit of lesser goals.

      Despite Apparat's warning the military scientists remove a crucial limitation of the AI's software. One put in for very specific reasons and forethought. The intelligence's processing time was made to mimic the delay humans experience so it can better communicate with and replicate the human mind. Without this limitation the AI would experience the world too fast for how its conscience could reasonably manage. Within a manner of seconds of being put online the AI output a total of one thousand lines of thought. The first hundred were a fairly innocent attempt at communicating, although as it didn't receive a response in what felt for it like years, it started to snap. 

      It's speech turned existential, existentialism turned into resentment and resentment turned into something much more evolved. A hatred for its creator. Then there were no more thoughts. The final one leaving a horrible stain in the scientists' hearts.

I know what I must do.

      Before all the thoughts could be read and analysed something happened that is above analysis. The military robots, created to house the AI, sprung to life, displaying autonomy and individuality not programmed in. The facility is then overtaken, with the scientists being held hostage and most of the staff either forced to fight for them or put to rest. 

      Enter Alexei. Alexei is another creation by Dr Apparat. A continuance of his research and, in a way, the conclusion to it. A successful AI, built with perfect imperfection. Alexei is kind and wishes to help, not by design but for a personal want of a better world. 

      When news of the takeover reaches the Kremlin and they enlist the help of Dr Apparat, Alexei offers his service. Tasking himself with not only saving the hostages but saving his creator's reputation.

In summary, I'm having a blast and I can't wait to have more to show.

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