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Better ragdolls + stomach animations

Predatory Pursuit
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

I’ve gotten ragdolls working a lot more smoothly; they’re getting teleported into position correctly when grabbed and swallowed.

I’ve also been working on more detailed stomach bulges. Live prey forms an imprint on the monster’s gut and randomly bulges it out with struggles. Then, dead prey continues to fill the belly out for a while, until it finally shrinks down at the end.

You can see both of these things in action here!

Note that I still need to fine-tune the ragdoll stuff (as I write this, I realized I forgot to set some stuff for the prey prefab).


  • Windows 141 MB
    Version 2022-11-05-2764
  • macOS 156 MB
    Version 2022-11-05-2764
  • Linux 181 MB
    Version 2022-11-05-2764
Download Predatory Pursuit
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