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Upcoming changes.

Size Me Up
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Hello everyone! Sorry its been so long without a proper update! I've been busy with my current longform animation project (check my twitter if you like monster stuff!) and now that I've put out a small teaser for it, I'm shifting back to developing the game for this month! 

So, what kind of progress have I made? A new girl will soon be added to the game as well as a whole slew of bugfixes. I plan on adding two or more new characters, unique scenes between girls, and overhauling several other UI elements to make navigation easier for the player.

But something I wanted to ask all of you is the following. 

SMU is quickly growing out of hand with what I have planned, each girl requires a large amount of custom art and coding, and originally this game was supposed to be a fun little interactive experience where you can measure various (or your actual) dick size to different characters from multiple IPs. 

If each girl I added came with 3 outfits, multiple lines of dialogue, pregnancy, a hormone cycle, custom encounters etc, it'd be an absolute nightmare to keep them all in line and put content out in a timely manner.

So, because I already had an idea in place for being able to change your character in game, I thought why not add an actual game mechanic to it? My idea is to have the player take on a role as an escort where various characters will be brought in, pay the player, and a standard sex scene will take place. Over time if the community likes a certain character they may be brought into the fold as a fully realized NPC with all the bells and whistles that come with it. 

Not only would this allow me to bring a wider variety of characters for you all, but it'd also allow me to play with random NPC generation too!

Other than that, thats all for now. Back to work on the game I go!

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