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Its been a while, BIG changes!

A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Complete overhaul of VTubD. Due to work and life, it's been far too long since I have been able to touch VTubD. Thanks to the winter season of work getting easier (and sadly, less hours consequentially), I have had time to get back to VTubD. The core of what made me decide this change was, that the original VTubD has a lot of limitations and would be slowed down majorly due to how much wheel reinvention I would have to go through. Then a thought came to mind, "Why do I have to reinvent the wheel?" 

So, I started fresh. Simply, a plugin for Unity. While this sadly does increase the learning curve for setting up a VTuber, this also incredibly vastly expands what a VTuber can even be. You get to choose what your VTuber software does. My package is designed as well open as I can (and can change in future to be even more open), so that you get to implement what you want when you want. Your VTuber becomes incredibly unique to you and you only.  There is a MASSIVE community behind Unity who can help with all sorts of problems you may find or want to know how to do. Who knows, maybe this is what leads you into programming for unique features of your own.


  • Re-Alpha-01_VTubD.unitypackage 3 MB
    Nov 03, 2022
Download VTubD
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