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Prior to any development, my first task was to download Unreal engine 4. All of this was completed successfully and I was able to start a new project using the VR template.

To start development, I had to investigate which challenges I wanted to tackle. My previous experience with Unreal was limited, with no coding background at all so I would have to learn everything on the go. Looking at this, I decided that a backbone of the project would be a movement system to help players navigate the world. With this in mind, in my opinion, implementing a smooth locomotion system would be very beneficial to the game.

The other challenge was a choice between a few options. One of these would be a functioning door. Having communicated with my course lecturer over the details over the project, this option is a viable one and is up for consideration. Another option I could consider is the challenge of implementing a menu where players could manually adjust the player height. This is also a viable option that could be explored, however to decide between these options will require more research and consideration.

In the latter stages of the project, the brief was changed to include 4 tasks from VR OR AR. Given the fact the hardware for AR was not useable, I chose to include 2 more elements to my VR project. On top of a rotating door and movement system, I decided to implement a menu system and a simple shooting gallery. I think my decision process with the change of brief played to my strength of being able to evaluate and decide on a strategy in time as I believe I have chosen approaches that have enough room for creativity and to show off my skills but also can be done within the timeframe given.

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