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A downloadable game for Windows

Mark on your calendar : The 31st October , DARK INSIDE is officially released
Here some new screenshot~

The project was short (started on October 1 and finished on October 31 officially). But it was an intense project.
I've never done a project with a dead line (which I imposed on myself) and even less with such a short deadline. There was a time when I could make games in 1 month (and they were all very badly coded). But now it's not possible anymore.

A lot of ideas had to be removed from the game (weapons, enemies, texts, characters, history, levels...) so that it could be available in time.

Knowing that the project has been a bit delayed due to the fact that I caught the covid at the beginning of the month (so 3 or 4 days unavailable), I almost burnout recently, I gave myself one or two days of rest and a power outage forced me to not use my PC during the whole day.

It was quite an intense experience but the game will be released in time, I'm currently doing the last corrections.

If you are wondering, I would like to put a price, rather a donation (like 1$) but, I gave up and it will be FREE.
I don't think it's legitimate to even make a donation on such a small game.

I'm still sad that so many ideas are deleted, so I plan to make this game in a new version called "DARK INSIDE": READING", more horrific, less action. But, it will probably not be for 2023.

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