is community of indie game creators and players


Devlog #08 | Week 43

Comfort Zone
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello everyone! Felix here! It's time for me to write this week's devlog!

We have been doing a lot of stuff this week and we've officially started production on our game "Comfort Zone"! Woo! So let me tell you what we have been doing this week! We started our Monday off by making a scrum board on our wall. A scrum board is basically a thing where we can manage our work and see what has been done and what needs to be done. It's there to help us organize and figure out what we are supposed to work on and to give ourselves tasks to do. After we made the scrum board on our wall we all sat down and wrote different tasks that we knew we needed to work on. Things like programming certain things to making certain assets/sprites.

Since I am the lead audio/music person my main tasks were making different songs and sound effects for our game. During this week I've been mostly focusing on making the main title theme for Comfort Zone. It has been difficult due to me having my own form of "art block" but in this case it was for music. So I guess you could say I had a rhythm block?? It happens. I did manage to create some melodies though and tried to do some freestyling on a piano in order to maybe eventually come up with a full song. It is starting to get somewhere and hopefully I will be able to finish it next week.

Our lead artist Jenny has been focusing on assets and sprites for our game. During this week she's been doing both 2D and 3D art. She started off by making a simple little tree in blender then she moved on to make a sprite of our game's main character! Say hello to the bnuy! We still don't have a name for them yet but this will be who the player controls throughout the game and is the main character/protagonist of Comfort Zone. Jenny is currently trying to rig the sprite so that we can animate them and make them move and do actions in our game.

Our main programmer Sondre has been hanging out with the first graders for pretty much the whole week. (Our dev team is second graders when it comes to the class system.) During his time there he has been learning how to make a game menu with clickable button amongst other things since we got visited by an old classmate of mine named Alex. Alex has been teaching the first graders how to make a space-shooter game and he's been helping them whenever they got stuck on certain parts or if they needed other general help with their games.

This week has been going pretty well in my opinion even though I personally think I could've done some things better. But next week we'll show you some more content and updates so stay tuned for that! Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow our other social pages!

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