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Settings menu & sound effects

Basis-9 War Demo
A downloadable game for Windows

The original demo was released with some sounds and the basic gameplay, however, in my rush I forgot to add certain sound effects, and there were some sounds that were incorrect, also, the demo released without a proper settings menu, so I decided to add that instead of the demo not having a menu.

The settings menu is pretty basic but it covers what it needs to for now:

All of the settings are self explainatory, however, this is my first time creating a settings menu in unity, and let me tell you, it wasn't the easiest thing to do. Once you know how to do it, it sounds like a simple task, just create the UI objects, sliders, toggles, etcetera. I didn't know any of that, however. 

I consulted the unity scripting manual and started tampering with the different ways I could create this menu, initially I thought of making the sound option similar to how the graphics quality is right now, two buttons and the number of the volume in the middle, however this was clunky and I thought, let's just make it a slider, thankfully Unity TextMeshPro provides a slider thing so I used it.

The graphics quality was tricky, I didn't know you could use a function to get the supported resolutions but a video I watched by a spanish game dev Guinxu (video: in which he had the same problem.

The fullscreen selector was also tricky, because it is a toggle, and it calls a function every time it's state is changed, and since the .exe creates a savefile that saves the settings too, every time the savefile was consulted, the toggle had to be set to on or off depending on wether the player was on fullscreen or not, and every time this toggle was changed, the fullscree also toggled, what a pain, I fixed it by calling the function when consulting the savefile, but this took a long time.

Other than that, nothing else new.

Since you've read all of this, care to play the demo and leave a comment? That'd be great!


  • Basis-9 War Demo v1.1.rar 38 MB
    Oct 24, 2022
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