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GIANTS OF STEEL – Version 0.7 Update

Giants Of Steel
A downloadable game

In commemoration of an upcoming game bundle, I'd added some updates to the storytelling toolkit for GIANTS OF STEEL v0.7! Among the additions:

– An updated intro that better explains the genre-blending Mech story premise of this RPG.

– Cheat-Sheets for the players and the MC, letting them quickly  create a world setting, list of antagonists, a roster of supporting characters for their game.

– Minor rule tweaks and grammar corrections.

Look forward to another near-future update that revises the out-of-date "TECH FORCE PRIME" Quickstart Scenario!


  • GIANTS OF STEEL v0.7 Basic Rules and PILOT_MECH Readouts.pdf 5.1 MB
    Oct 24, 2022
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