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Create your own CellMatrix clone!

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

CellMatrix is written in Java using a library called Processing. It's a powerful tool to rapidly create visual applications and games.

One neat thing about Processing is it uses a simpler version of Java without all of those class declarations that you need to be able to create a Java application. Everything is compiled into a single Java file, and bundled with the binaries. Yes, just download a binary from the downloads page, and check out the source folder in it. 

Woohoo! You have the source!

The source code for this game is not licensed (is public domain) so feel free to use it in any of your projects!
Make sure to use Processing 4 or above to run this :)


  • 136 MB
    Version 1
  • 4 MB
    Version 1
  • 136 MB
    Version 1
  • 4 MB
    Version 1
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