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Final Assignment related Devlog

Terminal Samurai
A browser game made in HTML5

Addition Areas and Features

  • Sound
    • Title Screen background music
    • Gameplay Background music
    • Sound on basic sword attack
    • Sound on player dash
    • Sound when trying to attack but out of stamina
  • Self-Custom-Made Blood splatter and blood pool on attack and kill
  •  User Interface including
    • Title Screen
    • End of game / Restart screen
    • Help / Controls Screen
  • Simple Artificial Intelligence for enemies


Documentation Section

Differences from initial game concept

Had to cut the upgrade system and Enemy variance due to time constraints

Tester Feedback

From user feedback i was able to gather that there none of my play testers had any issues in running the game and that it run smoothly as well. I was worried about the smoothness of the game as if too many enemies spawned in caused the game to lag I would have to try and make performance based changes, such as lowing enemy spawn rates. Because of this feedback i allowed myself to ramp up the spawn rates even more as the game progressed.


Another piece of useful feedback was on the UI; I found that there was large variance on readability and potential scaling issues. Because of this i made sure to spend more time on to try and ensure that its readable for everyone.

The most important test that I feel I conducted was a difficulty rating test and how difficult the game felt to each individual. I was aiming for a sweet spot and a mix of people thinking that it was to hard while other think it was too easy allowing for then to get the difficult scaled up to them.
The result gave me what i expected most agree that i was on the easier side while a minority of others thought it was too hard but no one thinking it wasn't a fun "eh" level of difficulty. Because of this I plan on making things even harder
A final important thing for me was the flow of the games combat a minority thought it was average however most felt it was smooth to i decided to leave it how it was.

Sources and assets 

A large amount of code and a small amount of assets were borrowed and modified from the KIT109 tutorials.

The players basic attack sound came from

The players out of breath sound came from

The players dash sound came from

The music for the title screen came from

 An the music for the game itself came from

Font used for all text came from

The background image for the title card came from artist Kyra at

The farmer spritee came from

Farmer CREATOR ID:       9664c4

Viewed : 26/08/2022

And the main character sprite came from

Artist deleted account so unsure of original creator

Viewed : 26/08/2022

The grass sprite tilemap came from

User Guide for Terminal Samurai

WASD = movement, regen stamina faster while standing still  

Spacebar = Short dash/blink towards your cursor that heavily damages enemies that you pass through (requires a lot of Stamina)  

Left mouse button = attack, damaging those in the red circle (requires Stamina)

To play this game skillfully you  must learn to balance your  offensive and defensive movements. this is because you must learn to play around your stamina while fulls its recommended you go full attack mode yet when it drops down its best to play on the defensive and kit mobs.


This is where you start your game game, click start game or controls depending on what you wanna do

This is the game itself note the corners for the UI elements.

On death you are taken to this screen where you may try again if you so wish.


  • 13 MB
    Oct 16, 2022
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