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Devlog #06 | Week 41

Comfort Zone
A downloadable game for Windows

Heyo! Felix here back at it again with another devlog!

I am here again to talk about some things that we have been doing this week. We've gotten quite a bit of work done and I'd say we've been doing a good job! SO on Monday we were tasked to make a "High Concept" of our game that we are developing. A High Concept is basically a 1 to 2 pages document describing what our game is and what it's about. Think of it as video game pitch but compressed into a small and easy to understand document.

On Tuesday we were all given different tasks to do throughout the week. I got tasked with making music concepts. It was a bit hard to begin with cause I'm still pretty new when it comes to making music and other sounds, but I think I did a good job in the end!

Jenny (@Emberrfall on Twitter) got tasked with making concept artworks for our game "Comfort Zone". Jenny has been heavily focusing on making these concepts and they all turn out amazing! You can see one of them below this text. These artworks make me really excited to see where this game will go haha!

Sondre has been hard at work figuring out how Unity works and learning how to do visual scripting. He has been programming movement, jumping, camera, and a death system. Right now he's been struggling with figuring out how health systems work, but I'm sure he'll figure it out soon! Here is a little screenshot of how our game is looking so far!

It's not much yet since we just started working on this game but everything that has been done so far has worked well! It's safe to say that we've had a very productive week and I hope future production will go smoothly. I think we're definitely going to get stuck in a lot of places but I am hopeful and think we'll be able to get through most of it!

Thank you for reading our Devlog! Don't forget to follow us on our socials for more updates!

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