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Friday Fury - Documentation & Accreditation

Friday Fury
A browser game made in HTML5


How well does Friday Fury match with the game concept?

I believe that I was able to complete 90% of what I originally had aimed to do with the concept for Friday Fury. The original goal was for it to be a top-down shooter with simple movement and shooting so that anyone could play the game regardless of their skill level, although this proved to make the game's difficulty tricky as well. 

In the game document, the goal was to have the frogs get harder and harder as well as introduce more guns as the player kept on playing. While I was developing this game I realised that this would have been a hard task with my skill level and knowledge as this was the first time I was making a game and coding. In future, these would defiantly be features that I would want to add to make the game better and more challenging.

In terms of gunplay and letting the player have multiple guns, this was a feature that also had to be adjusted and reduced to a single weapon due to skill and time restraints for this game. Initially, in the concept document, the player was going to start with a baseball bat and work their way up to get an assault rifle and shotgun. However, this would require significantly more scripting and sprite work to achieve this, which is why during development I decided to make the player only have a pistol.

But in terms of the rest of the game, I am happy with what I have been able to make. I was able to complete what I had set out to do in the concept document, like the design of the world, player and enemies, the main menu and audio. The Introduction cutscene wasn’t part of the concept document, however, during the development I realised that the music and menu were only setting the vibe and theme of the game but the player still needed and reason for what they are doing. 

Game Features List:

  • Player Movement
  • Player Shooting
  • The player takes damage when colliding with enemies
  • Blood splat when enemies get shot
  • Gun sound effects when shooting
  • Blod sound effect when an enemy dies
  • Background Music
  • Synthwave Aesthetic Style



World Assets (Tilemaps):

Modern Interiors Asset Pack by LimeZu:

Main Menu:

Particle System (Rain)

Silkscreen Font: 

Custom Art:

  • Main Menu Background
  • Title and logo of Friday Fury


2.5 Hour John Carpenter Style Retro Synth Mix:

Rain Sound Effect: 

Pistol Sound Effect: 

Blood Sound Effect: 


  • Dash (Self Made) - Makes boss dash once his health reaches a certain amount.
  • DestroySelf (Modified Tutorial)- Bullets used in the boss encounter.
  • DestroySelfAndKillOtherOnCollision (Tutorial) - Kills both bullets and frogs, spawning blood and playing blood sounds effect.
  • Don't Destroy Audio (Self-Made) - Keeps audio to be used as background audio as the player plays the game
  • Eight-Way Movement (Tutorial): Player Movement
  • Elevator Trigger (Self Made): Allows the player to move to the next level
  • Enemy Health (Self Made): Manages boss health and when to call death, spawn blood, sound effects and particle system.
  • Enemy Healthbar (Self Made): Links Boss health to Unity Slider
  • HighscoreScript (Self Made): Checks at teh end of each game if the player has gotten a core higher than the current high score.
  • LoadScene (Self Made): Loads first level after the intro cutscene.
  • Player Health (Self Made): Manages the player's health, damage coming from the frog and when to load the Player Dead Scene.
  • Player Shooting (Tutorial): Bullets a bullet to the mouse's location.
  • SceneSwitcher (Tutorial): Loads introduction cutscene after pressing “ENTER” in the main menu.
  • ScoreScript (Self Made): Managing and collecting when the player gets points from killing frogs.
  • SpawnEnemy (Tutorial): Spawns a given enemy prefab and sets its target to the player.
  • Pursuit (Tutorial): Makes the enemy constantly pursue the position of the player.


  • Player
  • Small Frog
  • Mutant Frog
  • Pursuer
  • Blood Splats
  • Bullet
  • Bullet (No Kill)
  • Blood Particle Effect


  • N, E, S, W Player Movement / Idle Animations
  • N, E, S, W Enemy Movement / Idle Animations
  • Player Animator
  • Frog 1 Animator
  • Frog 2 Animator
  • Boss Animator


  • Custom Player Healthbar
  • Custom Boss  Healthbar


Custom stills from various modified images for each scene of the cutscene.

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