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Friday Fury - Game Testing & Future Updates

Friday Fury
A browser game made in HTML5


This Devlog will discuss game testing and the future of the game. Recently I was able to hold a testing session for Friday Fury to see what works and what doesnt for the game.

Game testers were given a period of time to play the game and get an idea of the mechanics, after this, they were given a forum to complete asking them about their experience of playing the game.

Here is a link to the testing survey:

Based on this testing session I was able to make some key observations. Such as players not initialising they need to enter the elevator at first on the first level. Some bugs were also observed which related to the blood splats showing up above the walls and doorways, having an incorrect order of layering. Another significant bug was pixel tearing which resulted in various black vertical links randomly appearing and disappearing as the player was playing the game. 

Based on the feedback front of the testing session, the overall consensus was that the game seemed to be a bit easy and lacked more challenging enemies. Some proposed improvements were adding a  boss battle at the end and sound effects which I was able to start development on after the testing session and finish before the deadline for this game. Another way to use coroutines is to limit the players firing rate which would add a greater level of difficulty to the game.

In future, based on this feedback I would like to use the approach of using coroutines as the player shoots. This would allow for different weapons to be added to the game and give the player more choices on how they want to play the game. I would also want to further develop the enemy AI in this game and make them patrol zones and when they spot the player they start the pursuit, rather than constantly pursuing the player which does take away from the game overall.

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